
The Bikwani’s

Founder, CEO

The Chikanya’s

Creative director

The Siphendu’s

Marketing director

The Wright’s

Accounting manager

A Decade of Faithfulness

Reflecting on the Vision, Journey, and Impact of Isiseko Family Institute

God does from time to time give an individual or a group of people a vision and a mandate to carry out. My mind goes back to Biblical
characters like Moses, Joseph, Samson and many others, who had a mission and a mandate to carry out during the lifetime of their
generation. I mention this as I reflect on the journey that we have
travelled with Isiseko since its start in 2011. Like the characters I
mentioned before, the Bikwanis had a vision and a mandate to carry out in their generation. This led to the establishment of what is today known as the Isiseko Family Institute..


Join Us As A Volunteer

Isiseko Family Institute has individuals and families
volunteering to carry out its vision.